laying of rails câu
He rails against Roman taxes.Hắn đã chống đối việc thu thuế của người La Mã. The White House would fall off its rails without me doing...

No, we're, uh... we're laying low in a motel nearby.Không, bọn anh đang ẩn nấu trong một nhà trọ gần đây. Plus, you got another one la...

laying in
I found her laying in the road... right outside of Mt.Tôi thấy cô ấy nằm ở trên đường... ngay bên ngoài khu Mt. Okay, Eldridge's caske...

laying on
I found that- I found that top one laying on the floor out in the hallway.Tôi tìm thấy áo này nằm trên sàn nhà ngoài hành lang I found...

jump the rails
However, if he was about to jump the rails which had been laid for him, he would immediately jump in to correct the plan and keep it on...

leave the rails
If that’s really what you want and you’re really too afraid to leave the rails laid out by Kihara Yuiitsu, then tear up and throw away ...

off the rails
After my parents died, I kind of went off the rails for a while.Sau khi cha mẹ tôi chết, tôi... trở nên lệch lạc một thời gian. I'm tr...

riding the rails
I’ve been too busy Riding the Rails.Tôi còn bận lướt mạng cưỡi sóng And once he lost control, that pursuer riding the rails of an invi...

cable laying
3.2 Cable laying temperature should not be less than 0;cài đặt nhiệt độ của cáp không nên được ít hơn 0 °C A cable laying ship unloadi...

egg laying
Watch for egg laying if inspecting adult chickens.Lưu ý hiện tượng đẻ trứng khi quan sát gà trưởng thành. I guess the heat has wiped o...

keel laying
On 31st of August, Ha Long Shipbuilding Company held a keel laying ceremony of FISHING TRAWLER which be built for ShipBuilding Asia LTD...

laying down
Look, Alex, uh... before we start laying down all these plans, um, I need to finish what I was trying to say before.uh... Anh cần phải ...

laying length
Therefore, according to the force, production, production technology, the price amount of capacity to design the glass fiber, laying le...

laying off
Mozilla is laying off around 50 people.Mozilla đã loại bỏ đội ngũ IoT với khoảng 50 người . Al Jazeera network laying off 500 employee...

laying out
Hey, how many.223 shells you think are laying out there?Ê, ông biết ngoài kia có bao nhiêu vỏ đạn loại .223 không? I'm not describing ...

laying period
Eggs production gradually decreases after their first year of laying period.Sản lượng trứng giảm dần sau năm đầu tiên của giai đoạn đẻ....

laying season
Laying season varies over its range; April-Nov. in Trinidad and May-Sep. in N. Venezuela.Mùa đẻ thay đổi trong phạm vi của nó; Tháng Tư...

laying up
Or, are we laying up treasure in heaven?Hay ta lại đề nghị trung ương xây dựng Thiên Đàng? Are you laying up treasure on earth, or in ...

By laying-off 676 teachers.Tỉnh Thanh Hóa thải 647 giáo viên. Laying-off needs to be done before the paint has commenced drying, so it...

4)On the other hand, we use the gunny bags to protect the tube's surface when the tube laying-out.4) Mặt khác, chúng tôi sử dụng túi gu...

pipe laying
Many pipe-lay operations are carried out by DP capable lay barges or pipe laying ships.Nhiều hoạt động đặt ống được thực hiện bởi các s...

A Gazprom source said Cherskiy's average pipe-laying speed is slower than the Pioneering Spirit but did not provide a specific estimate...

pipeline laying
One major contractor that could be hit by the sanctions is Swiss-based pipeline laying company Allseas, which has been hired by Gazprom...

track laying
Cullen gets hired by the railroad and supervises an all-black "cut crew", including Elam (Common), whose job is to prepare the terrain ...

distance between rails
Track gauge, the distance between railstrack gauge khoảng cách đường ray